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Privacy Policy

1. Approval for Collection, Use, and Disclosure

Using and/or registering services and products provided by this site, you need to approve terms of Privacy Policy load. You cannot use the website if you don’t put your approval toward the terms.

This Privacy Policy may be always updated. When it happens, you are able to notice that by looking at the last date when the terms are amended at the top of this page. Moreover, before updating the terms, we are going to ask customers’ agreement first through email. We are also informing them about the new regulations for using and disclosing that will be loaded before the changes. So, the costumers will get an email about notification of changes to the policy and understand what new rules to be obeyed to in using, collecting, and disclosing all contents of this site. In some circumstances, we, however, will not inform and ask the customers’ prior approval for things dealing with investigation toward a breach of agreement, violations of the laws, and urgent situation where lives, health, and safety of people are threatened. In firm words, we inform you that we don’t ask the customers’ agreement either for things related to debt collection and all stuff based on requests asked by an agency of law enforcement or a court order.

Costumers are permitted to collect, use, and disclose every time even though that is possible affecting the suspension of products and service available for you. If you stop your subscription during the warranty period for every product and then you intend to ask returns and refunds, we will appreciate that.
Mail (Electronic)

During the time of your association to this site, we will send you an email about information which is related to our services that you can take the advantage as our customer. Nevertheless, that is limited to changes of the website, augmentation of the products, updated news about industry, and of course product availability in our website. This is about our policy to supply you with opening chances to limit your personal information you enter for subscription of this website.

If at any time you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, just click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the page and request removal from our mailing list. Every time you don’t want to get the email from us, you just need to click the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of this page. Then, you can request us to remove your name from our mailing list.

We ask visitors of this site to give their name and email address. It aims to collect related information about people who communicate with us via email and information that they give voluntarily like survey, notification of coloring competition, etc. One thing that it is important to highlight is that we never collect paid information via anything like credit card, billing address, and PayPal.

The major purpose of this Privacy Policy is protecting personal information that we get from the costumers and responding to inquiries from them. It is also designed to state that all agreements here will be used properly so that your personal information we obtain for data processing done by third-party is protected.

2. Purposes for Collecting Personal Information

a. understanding what the costumers needs related to our services
b. developing our website and providing it with good services and products
c. fulfilling costumers’ request for products, services, and information
d. communicating with costumers and visitors of the website when it is necessary such as to give them information about upgrades, products, services available from our affiliates and third-party
e. allowing the costumers to get unlimited areas to access this site
f. developing and improving products, benefits, and services that we offer to the customers and the users of this site
g. notifying the costumers in each host about competition, new services, or promotion from time to time
h. personalizing a number of our services and products to the costumers and providing intended advertisements and offers from third-party
i. obeying the laws applied, regulations, legal process and government requests
j. responding legitimated claims, or sending reprimand if we or the costumers violate the rights of third party, break the agreements or policy determining the way you use this site, our products, and our services
k. protecting the services, products, and rights of this website but it is not just for safety or integrity of the site

3. Limitation for Gathering Personal Information
Gathering personal data is limited to the intended information for identification. This site is not directly connected to other sites to collect personal information from under age kids that the law permits with or without purposes.

In the time you visit the site, you can see cookie in your computer. Cookie is able to be read if you have seen the previous one. Cookie makes us able to decide which services and products you buy so that the site will not provide you redundant information. Then, if you are an affiliate, you can check and monitor sales for the costumers that have been referred by you. After that, you have right to get compensation under our affiliate program. If you decide not to have a browser that you can accept cookie from this site, you will possibly not be able to see all texts on the screen, get personal visit, or subscribe certain services and products offered in this website.

Actually, cookie is a small number of information sent from a server of website to your PC. Cookies are not used for marketing, promotional, or purposes of advertising in this site. Then, cookies are not to track activities of your internet either before you leave the website

4. Disclosure, Process, and Retention

This site does not sell, rent, or disclose information about private things of yours to anyone else. However, some private information needs to be shared with employees, independent contractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, consultants, business associates, service providers, suppliers and agents. That is done based on identified purposes like followings.

Disclosure is possible to do if it is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal actions against somebody who has done things causing injury or interfered others’ rights or properties, other users or visitors of the website, services or products, or other people.

We can disclose the personal information if it deals with responding to judicial process and providing information to agencies of law enforcement and an investigation on matters related to public safety which has been permitted or required by the law.

5. Personal Information Accuracy

We will do efforts to keep the accuracy of information provided in order to identify and to minimize the possibility of violation due to the information. The subscribers are responsible to inform the changes of their personal information by sending an email to We will use the new information from the customers to enrich the note.

6. Security Safeguards

Steps that will be done to make sure that all information that we collect, use, and disclose is accurate, complete, up to date, and kept in secured environment that can be accessed only by authorized people. We also want to try hard to protect the personal information that the costumers give from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification and unnecessary disclosure.

Sophisticated technology and safety features are played here to protect the information. We also implement strict internal guidelines to keep the privacy of your personal information from unauthorized and illegal access. We are working to keep improving the features as provided changes of technology.

Next, we are trying hard to break and identify the personal information permanently if it is not longer needed for any purposes.
We also endeavor to protect all private information of the subscribers.

7. Links to External Sites

This Privacy Policy is applied for online-collected information that we can directly and totally control. It is also applied for the information that we have. We don’t take any responsibility to advertisers of ours, external links, or other parts of this site that is not under our direct and total control. We suggest the visitors and users to read the Privacy Policy from the external site before sending their personal information.
Several hyperlinks of this site are able to affect other sites that are not controlled by or affiliated with us. Besides, it also possibly happens to external links of this website. We have not reviewed the contents of this website so that we don’t take any responsibility for those accounts or privacy from the site.
If you have questions or inquiries dealing with privacy, you can fill the form of contact us and send it via email.

This Privacy Policy applies to information collected online of which we have direct and total control of. We do not take any responsibility for our advertisers, outgoing links, or any other part of this site that is not under our direct or total control.. We advise that users read the Privacy Policies of external sites before submitting personal information.

Some of the hyperlinks on this Website may lead to other Websites that are not controlled by, or affiliated with us. In addition, other Websites may link to this Website. We have not reviewed these Websites and we are not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these Websites.

If you have any inquirey reagding privacy please email us via contact us form.


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