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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Using the Website

These following terms and conditions below are used to rule people who are interested in this website. They are able to use, visit, or browse all contents by obeying the terms and conditions defined. The terms and conditions are used not to limit your exploration in the website. Those, however, are created to protect the website and make all balanced so that there is no aggrieved party from the user and the owner of the website. In shorts, agreement and acceptance to the terms and conditions are necessary before you exploring the pages.


Information given here is protected by Privacy Policy covered in Terms and Conditions. You need to look up the intended Privacy Policy to comprehend all things dealing with our practices.

Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

This website provides contents for them who are interested in coloring pages. They are able to take some advantages as long as the rules are still obeyed. We are not giving representation for warranties related to the contents provided in the website. Responsibility is not our own for errors and negligence of contents in this site. Failures, interruptions, and discontinuation of the contents available in the website are excluded for our responsibility. Additionally, we do tackle neither any losses, damages arising from the contents provided nor action done by the user towards the contents. We disclaim all representations for all warranties including sale warranties and suitability for any purposes. Furthermore, we are not giving statement for warranty regarding to the use or the results, contents, and other materials available in the website in terms of the accuracy, correctness, and reliability.

We also agree that we will not take any responsibility on your certain or incidental loses and damages directly, indirectly, and consequentially at the time you are accessing the site. We are completely not bonded to those things due to the loss of data, profits, untold information about the possibility of damages, and business on any theory of liability resulted from the effect of accessing the contents and information from the website. If any related authority holds any portion of this enforceable part, then responsibility will be limited to the abundant level permitted by validated law.

Intellectual Property and Copyright

All contents in this site, including logos, texts, designs, graphics, images, photographs, clips of video or audio, data compilations, and digital downloads, are authorized and protected by laws of international copyright. The compilation of the contents accessible in this site also owned and protected by Australian and International copyright laws. You are not allowed to use or reproduce all things in this site without permission in an official written form.


All logos used in this side including graphics and texts are inherited trademarks. All logos, button icons, graphics, page heads, service names, and scripts are the trademarks which are not permitted to be used in any other services or products. If it is done, it can cause confusion among users and customers of this site. The entire trademarks used in this site are a private property of the owners. However, some are also owned by other owners who are possibly related to, affiliated with, sponsored by this site. Any images of personalities or people on this site are not an indication of endorsement toward any certain products or services unless those are purposely indicated.

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Limitation of Use

If there is another term practiced, you are able to access information available in this site for a private use or non commercial use with some limitations for our certain purposes. You are not allowed to copy, modify, distribute, send, display, reproduce, duplicate, publish, give permission, make a piece of work, or sell information existed in this site without our official written permission. We are going to terminate the limited license for each unauthorized person who uses all contents of the website without permission.

Right to Terminate

We reserve the right for stopping or limiting the use of our services without notice.


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